

Strapping head German imports

它是任何捆扎机的主要功能元件,自动执行进料和回收,紧固,密封和切割操作。 非常坚固和紧凑,允许机器使用一个电机和一个皮带自动完成捆扎循环。 施工合理性和简单性使维护简单方便。 电动机保证了均匀的动力,并且低转速保证了低噪音。 由变频器控制节能。

It is the main functional element of any strapping machine, performing automatically all the feed and recovering, tightening, sealing and cutting operations. Extremely strong and compact, allows the machine to make automatically complete strapping cycle with one motor and one belt. The construction rationality and simplicity allow an easy and simple maintenance. The motor guarantees an uniform power and a low number of rotations assures low noise. It is controlled by inverter for energy saving.
